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Kirin Sekito Nature Photographer

関戸 紀倫

 父は写真家、ダイビングインストラクターでもあり、小さい時からフィリピン、タイ、ガ ラパゴス諸島など自然豊かな場所に連れて行ってもらい、自然が近いものとなり気づけば 自分もダイビングを始め沖縄でダイビングインストラクターとして活動。
 その後、2年間オーストラリアのダイビングクルーズなどでガイド経験をした後、帰国前 にオーストラリアを一周することに決め、車とカメラを購入し写真に専念する。
 帰国後はフリーランスのカメラマンとして水中写真や陸の風景写真をメインに世界中の人々 に世界の美しい自然を写真という形で見てもらい、ダイビング雑誌や島雑誌などの連載も 持っている。
 またフランス語と英語を使い、日本の美しさを世界へ発信し、より多くの外国人に日本の 良さを伝えるために日本の美しい風景も日々撮影している。
 また、映像作品も多く手がけていて、映像クリエーターとしても撮影、編集なども行なっ ている。


Born 6 July 1988 in Tokyo between an father witch is originally from France and mother originally from Japan.
Kirin spend 10 years in Paris and when he was 10 years old he moved back to Tokyo.
His father are also an photographer and he is scuba diving instructor as well.
When Kirin was kid his father show him this amazing planet
like The Philippines,Thailand,Galapagos Island etc...and Kirin start to love spending him self traveling and after getting heaps of experience he decide to be an scuba diving instructor and move to Okinawa Island.
In 2011 Kirin got his ticket for instructor and he start to work as a instructor in Okinawa.
In 2013 he decide to learn English and moved to Cairns to work on an
famous liveaboard "Spirit Of Freedom" as diving guide and at same time he
been taking underwater photography and he start to share his pics to his friends on Social network.
Before going back to Japan he bought a car and his first DSLR to travel around Australia and he follow the coast of Australia for 3 month taking landscape photography and he drove 27,331km and came back to Cairns with heaps of experience and pictures during this trip.

In 2015 he start to travel around the world as a freelance nature photographer.

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All content and photographs copyright © 2022 Kirin Sekito.

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